Master the Force of Habit
in Just 60 Seconds a Day
No matter what your resolutions are - improving your health/wellbeing, stress level, sleep, relationships, work performance, finances, etc. - if it's worth doing, it's worth doing habitually so you never have to worry about them again... they're just automatic!
Our breakthrough habit acceleration coaching protocol breaks your goals down into fast, simple and easy behavioral sequences, or what we've coined "Habit Designs". Our definition of a "habit" is a physical behavior that is an automatic response to specific events in specific contexts/locations.
Over 12 weeks (60 consecutive weekdays), dedicated, licensed and certified clinical psychologists will help you design, refine, and master your Habit Designs, using our proprietary A.I. that applies the best practices of more than 100,000 other clients that we've coached before you.
If you follow our protocol correctly, each habit should take you less than 60 seconds. You can do anything for just 60 seconds, right? Easy peasy!
Instead of a traditional weekly therapy session, you'll have access to your personal clinical psychologist during business hours (Pacific Time) as you're practicing your habit designs; (s)he can answer any questions or issues you have right at the moment, making it much easier for you to overcome any hurdles or challenges you may face.
Each time you practice your new habits correctly, as a reward you'll earn back more of your tuition, up to 80%!
Not sure which habits you want to master? Just click "Apply Now" below, complete the Coaching Application, and our clinical team will review some popular options best suited for your personal goals during your free consultation call.